Using the Javascript Module Pattern, and more modern JS practices, with Drupal

The JavaScript Module pattern uses immediately-invoked functional expressions (IIFE) that return objects, that include closures. This provides a way of wrapping various public and private methods and variables in a "module". This prevents them from "leaking" into the global name scope and cluttering it up or worse, colliding with other code. With this pattern only a public "API" is returned, while maintaining privacy on everything else. Additionally, I'll discuss how to split up and organize your js files for maintainability and reuse.

the advantages of using the JavaScript Module Pattern for better, cleaner code
practical implementation using Grunt, grunt-contrib-concat or Bower & grunt-bower-concat
using it with Drupal.behaviors, jsHint, jQuery, etc.
how-to's with introduction to sub-patterns like: Module Export, Public and Private, Global Import, Loose Augmentation, etc.
I originally gave this talk at LA Drupal Camp 8/2015 (slides will be updated based on feedback, plus more D8).

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