Test Your Drupal Site The Easy Way: Use Cypress

There are several different types of tests you can write and many different testing tools you can use during development to make sure your Drupal site does what it’s supposed to do. Writing some actual tests is the important part, and using Cypress for end-to-end testing is a great place to start.

By the end of this talk, you’ll know:

A bit about Drupal CI and how Drupal projects are tested including Functional JS and Nightwatch testing
Why you might want to use Cypress for end-to-end testing
Where you can learn more about Cypress 101
Advanced Cypress tips you can use while testing applications
Tips specific to testing Drupal applications with Cypress

Alex Finnarn
Engineer @ CivicActions
I currently work for CivicActions helping to improve automated testing throughout various client projects. I've been working on improving automated testing within development teams for the past six years, and I hope to share some of that acquired knowledge with the group. Outside of coding, you can find me mindlessly mindfully playing several instruments and trying to work up the courage to try my hand at Jiu Jitsu.


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