blökkli: Interactive page building experience for Nuxt - Drupal Mountain Camp 2024

Speakers: Jonathan Noack, Jan Hug

Simple content pages or complex landing pages. Blokkli provides a solid modular framework to build your own editing experience - works with Drupal Paragraphs (and other backends).

- blökkli allows editing content in a visual interface with tools for copying, duplicating, editing and deleting blocks.
- It supports custom block designs with options for background color, alignment and size. The artboard tool allows precise layout.
- Content can be searched for and placed as blocks. Multilingual support and live previews are provided.
- Collaboration features include comments, shared block libraries, and potential integrations like ChatGPT actions.
- Mobile editing is supported. blökkli integrates well with Nuxt and has adapters for Drupal Paragraphs.
- The tool is aimed at simplifying page building, customization and teamwork through its visual interface and features. It has a focus on productivity and flexibility.

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