NedCamp 2018


The New England Drupal Camp started in 2014 and was founded by passionate Drupal enthusiasts from (mostly) Rhode Island. Each year, a diverse group of Drupalers from New England have contributed to the organization and success of NEDCamp.

Our mission is to grow the Drupal expertise and community in New England.

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Composer is a package manager that alleviates the complexity of dependencies in PHP based projects (such as Drupal 8). This session provides an introduction to the core concepts behind package management and Composer. No previous knowledge of Composer required.

Using practical examples as guidelines attendees will learn the basics of Composer, including:

What composer is and the concepts of how it works.

How to add composer to a project and packages to a project.

Semantic versioning patterns for packages.

General Do's and Don'ts when using Composer.

Attendees will leave this session with insights and basic knowledge of Composer. Including knowledge of how it works, the value it provides to projects and how to use it on any (PHP based) project.

Speaker: Michael Miles
Many developers, including myself, deal with mental health issues, yet mental health in the developer community is often overlooked, hidden, or swept under the rug. Too many of us suffer in silence and end up hurting our professional and personal relationships, or even worse, ourselves.

What can be done to help de-stigmatize mental health issues? How can we, as a community, band together to help those of us with mental health issues feel more welcome in tech? Together, we can work to Erase the Stigma associated with mental illness.

In this session, I will be telling my story of dealing with mental illness as a developer and how they affected my career, my productivity, and my professional connections. I will also be presenting statistics comparing the tech community to the general public in terms of incidence of mental illness, behavior, and how it affects the workplace. We will also talk about available resources for employees and employers, how to be a more supportive person or coworker, and what we can do as a community to Erase the Stigma and become Stronger Than Fear.

The only knowledge required prior to attending this session is to know that you want to learn more about mental illness in the tech community.

Attendees should leave knowing resources available for helping to deal with mental illness in the workplace and, hopefully, have a better understanding that a mental illness is not a character flaw, but part of a person.

Speaker: J.D. Flynn
You know how your content looks on your own website, on desktops, laptops and phones, but how does it look when it leaves your site? Using open source protocols like, Open Graph, and W3C specified meta data to markup your structured data, you can help boost your content’s chances of outperforming its competition in search engines, and shared on social media sites.

This session will present a whirlwind, two fisted, no holds barred, data filled session that has almost too much information about implementing schemas for structured data and current best practice meta tags in Drupal. This session is meant for anyone responsible for publishing content online and for those that empower them to do so.

Attendees will come away from the session knowing how to implement and test schemas, and current meta tag best practices in Drupal to gain search features in Google and enhance the look of your content on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Speaker: Jim Birch
With Docker finally hitting its stride as a viable local development tool we’ve seen a huge surge in Docker Compose driven local development and DevOps tools. One such tool is Lando, risen like a Phoenix from the ashes (and lessons learned) of the Kalabox project. Lando is for developers who want to quickly specify and painlessly spin up the services and tools needed to develop their projects by providing an easy way for developers of all skill levels to specify simple or complex requirements for their projects. Said another way: It helps take away the hassle of complex scripts, long and obtuse commands and lengthy Docker Compose files. It’s free, open source, cross-platform and designed to work with most major languages, frameworks and services but forged from the experiences of running a Drupal agency.

Speaker: Mike Pirog
Whether it is for reusing the same code or deploying a bug fix or just for better document management, one of the most important leaps any site builder will ever take in their path towards becoming a developer is learning a version control system, or VCS. Since Git is the standard VCS over 80% of developers, let’s roll up our sleeves and dive in. The benefits far outweigh the efforts needed to learn this tooling. Once you start, you will wonder why it took you so long to unleash the power of this awesome tech. This talk will briefly explore the need for git, the history and use cases. Then we will jump into how to get started and the basic organizational concepts. We will also examine Github, the web based Git hosting service. Bring your laptops to play along at home and get started before you leave the room.

Speaker: Dwayne McDaniel
Are you sick of listening to how people use paragraphs, yet? Do you wish Paragraphs would just go away?

Well, then this talk is not for you. Paragraphs offer the most visual flexibility for the client and the most design-system control for the development team. If you haven't yet been convinced, this talk just might make you a believer, too.

This talk will review a recent project with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of RI, where the Oomph team employed a component-based system of paragraphs inside paragraphs for ultimate design and content control. We'll keep the talk at a fairly high level and illustrate how a well-designed system can make authors, designers, and developers happy.

And it doesn't have to be complicated. The system we put in place took less than 10 weeks to design, configure, implement, test, train and launch. Real life examples, quick admin demo, and ways in which your team can get started quickly with component-based Paragraph themeing. .

Speaker: J. Hogue
LCM’s Rob Bayliss and Kelly Albrecht will be dynamically presenting their session based on results from this NEDCamp 2018 DevOps Measure. If you are attending, please respond to its DevOps statements, on behalf of your team, to see the results, with areas of focus and some advice. These results will structure the content of the presentation, taking place at 9am on Saturday, November 17 at Rhode Island College in Providence, RI.

Many people today find themselves learning about DevOps by first seeing one of its outcomes and learning about how that outcome came to be. Learning why something is considered to be a part of DevOps is not necessary to implement those pieces of it. However, knowing why something would be considered a part of DevOps, or even why a DevOps strategy is important, and for who, can mean the difference between following and leading in an industry.

In this talk, Rob Bayliss and Kelly Albrecht will show, using intuition backed by empirical research, why DevOps is the most important technological strategy of our day. In doing so, attendees will gain the understanding necessary to gain buy-in for DevOps at their organization as well as how to know what might fit a DevOps strategy and what doesn't.

DevOps is a journey and how you do it matters too. Beyond the why of DevOps, this session expands further on how to go about choosing and implementing DevOps tools and practices. Attendees will gain insights into how they might start doing DevOps in their organization, or how to progress further if they've already gotten a start.

Finally, if you are able to implement a DevOps journey successfully, what will you see? In conclusion, this session will discuss various outcomes of successful DevOps implementations.

Overall, attendees of this session will leave with a foundational knowledge of DevOps that is sufficient to find their way to continued success in the field.

Speaker: Kelly Albrecht
With the continued rise of static site generators that can play nicely with Drupal it has never been easier to take advantage of the speed, security, and scalability of static sites. This session will provide an overview of three static site generator projects and how they can be used to create a static build based on data from Drupal.

The session will cover:

An introduction to static site generators

An overview of Jekyll (a Ruby based option)

An overview of Gatsby (a React based option)

An overview of Tome (a Drupal based option)

Navigating potential roadblocks to a static site build

The Netlify Webhooks module and approaches to triggering automatic builds based on Drupal content updates.

By the conclusion of this talk you will have a better understanding of why a static site build may or may not be right for your project, have a better feel for which static site generator would fit your workflow, and may even walk away with some existential questions about the overall nature of dynamic content on the web (heavy, right?)


Speaker: Brian Perry
Long gone are the days of copying databases, creating a custom module, or creating features to push new functionality to your Drupal Website. Those days and arcane methods are a thing of the past with Drupal 8. Why or how you ask? Read on my friend, read on!

Managing configuration in Drupal 8 has become much easier with the introduction of configuration management. In this talk, we will review “good practices” Oomph has established for configuration management, what tools we use on all of our Drupal 8 projects and how to use them. We will also discuss how configuration management ties into a Continuous Integration pipeline using Github and Travis-CI.

We will discuss the following list of modules:

Configuration Manager

Configuration Split

Configuration Read-only mode

Configuration Installer

What you can expect to learn from this talk:

Automating configuration management in a Continuous Integration pipeline

How to export and import configuration in Drupal 8

How to manage configuration in version control

How to manage configuration for multiple environments

How to install a new instance of Drupal with a set of existing configuration

This talk is for all skill levels and aims to make everyone’s life easier through the magic of Drupal Configuration Management. We look forward to sharing our experience with you and answering any questions you may have.

John Picozzi
Nathan Dentzau
Newer developments in CSS make it easier than ever to create robust, scalable, elegant typographic systems on the web and in apps. But the fun really starts when you add Variable Fonts. The design, technical, and performance benefits are really exciting, but when you combine them with other CSS capabilities like custom properties, calculations, and grid it’s a whole new way to think about design and development. We’ll see how they work together by using some variable fonts in layouts that work across screen dimensions, accessibility needs, design requirements, and even network speeds—better than you thought possible.

Speaker: Jason Pamental
DevOps isn't just code; it's also relationships. It's about creating a culture of openness and transparency so we can share our best work with others. We'll briefly look at the common reasons for isolation on a project and spend most of the time talking about the values and policy choices an organization can make to foster transparency and trust. Then we'll explore software development processes involving agile and DevOps to bring your team to a whole new level of visibility and collaboration.

If you or anyone you know on your project is feeling isolated from the development process, this talk will give practical advice and solutions to restoring that connection amongst your team.

Speaker: Matt Westgate
Do you work from home on a regular basis? Do you manage developers that work remotely, or offshore? Is your top client in another time zone? This talk provides strategies for both individual contributors and managers to successfully navigate the unique challenges of the distributed workforce.

Speaker: Kellie Walton
Docksal is a Docker-based development environment framework with a focus on PHP application development. It is not specific to Drupal but it was built with Drupal in mind. There are numerous starter projects available through Docksal, including Drupal, WordPress, Laravel, Magento, Symfony, and more. It is maintained by FFW.

For any given project that you are working on, project setup should be dead simple. Using Docksal's custom command system, you can create one-line commands that will setup your project without further interaction from the developer. Clone the project, run a command, start developing, it should be and is that simple with Docksal.

In addition to providing a rapid onboarding experience, Docksal makes it trivial to expand your environment as needed. Need Varnish? Need MailHog for local email interception? Both easily added thanks to Docksal leveraging Docker's service-based architecture. A list of services available to Docksal can be found on it's readthedocs page.

Genuine has been happily using Docksal for nearly 1 1/2 years. It is mature, stable, and well supported. We'll review the tenets enabled by Docksal and like-minded frameworks, how to set it up and get started, and how to customize it for the needs of your organization via stacks. Time providing, we will also review Docksal's CI agent and how it can integrate with your CI model.

Speaker: Les Peabody
Principles and guidelines for creating and maintaining a Drupal 8 component based theme.

Topics will include:

Displaying content; Should it be handled in the admin UI or in a template file?
Naming conventions; working with Drupal's classes and BEM methodology.
How to get the most out of your view modes.
Tips for maintaining and handing off project knowledge when working on a team.
Who should attend:

Intermediate to Advanced Site Builders and Themers

Speaker: Kathy Beck
With version 8, Drupal delivered major improvements in the way content could be cached and expired. For the first time, significant caching is possible for dynamic pages and authenticated users.

However, the caching system can be complex and confusing. Developers can inadvertently negate the advantages of Drupal’s cache systems and, even worse, create security and information disclosure holes. This presentation will provide an overview of Drupal’s cache layers and will cover best practices when theme-ing and customizing Drupal to avoid common errors and to maximize performance.

Among the topics to be covered:

The anonymous and dynamic page caches.
Cache bins, memcache and the differences between Drupal’s data and render caches.
Cache tags, contexts and max-age.
Debugging tools and techniques.
Common pitfalls when theme-ing and customizing Drupal.
Using #lazybuilder callbacks for dynamic content.
Leveraging reverse proxies like Varnish and content delivery networks (CDNs).
Big Pipe and custom render strategies.

Speaker: Kelly Lucas
Are you familiar with the full stack of Drupal, but you've heard that Drupal is looking to adopt React, and that sounds foreign to you? How would that even work? You may be saying, "I've never used a JavaScript framework like this before..."

We at Redfin were saying the same things, but once we learned what the capabilities and advantages of using React were, a project came along that seemed like a perfect fit. Not wanting to give up all the great things Drupal could offer us, like authentication and permissions, etc we decided to embed a React app inside a Drupal site.

In a truly decoupled application, there's a clear separation of a frontend website, completely written and maintained independently, and the backend site (Drupal) which is used as a data store.

In this session, we'll take a look briefly at some of the thoughts that went into our decision, but also spend time examining HOW we married these technologies. While we are by no means the experts in this, what we did has worked and we would like to share it with you!

Speaker: Chris Wells
Do you host your own Drupal?

Do you wish you could have that great git-push-deploy workflow provided by so many hosted solutions, but on your own servers?

Wish no more!

With Open Source DevShop, you can use any linux server to host, test, and develop your Drupal sites.

DevShop installs in minutes, with no special script writing or configuration required.

In this session, we will demonstrate Automated Pull-Request-Environments with Behat testing, completing and deploying a new feature of our website LIVE in session!

See for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How does it work?

DevShop is just a Drupal site that manages a basic LAMP stack. All of the logic and all of the service to make it work are self-contained in the Drupal code. This makes it quite easy to understand. If you know PHP and Drupal, you can learn DevShop. There are optional modules for Docker, but it's not necessary. DevShop runs on a single server.

Is this a hosted service?

No. DevShop is 100% open source. We do not provide hosting services directly. However, if you run your own server, you can sign up for DevShop.Support if you ever need help or SLA-level hosting service.

Is this used in production?

Yes. DevShop was originally created as an extension of Aegir in February of 2012. It was used in production as soon as it was created.

Speaker: Jon Pugh
How many times have you been in a situation where the client is never happy with the results, no matter what you do? How many 'emergency' messages have you responded to because the site isn't quite right in some new way? How many clients have you lost or fired because they honestly had no idea what they really wanted? If you answered yes to any of those questions, this session is for you!
Gathered from years of 'learning it the hard way' I am excited to share my knowledge with Freelancers, Agency Owners, Project Managers, Business Development professionals as well as anyone else who wants to better manage conversations.
Walk away from this talk with a better understanding of:
- Project And Sales Pipeline Strategy
- Uncovering Client Business Goals
- KPIs vs KPIs
- Managing Scope

Speaker: Dwayne McDaniel
Development workflows, continuous integration and automated testing are a hot topics, and should be. As teams rush to implement and improve their DevOps strategies, one thing hasn’t changed, testing is a afterthought. Effective automated testing begins with effective User Acceptance Testing (UAT). This session will explore a proven strategy to implement Behat into your development workflow.

Topics covered:

What is User Acceptance Testing
The positive impact simple UAT has on the development process and team
Steps to implement UAT
Getting started with Behat
Effective use of Behat
Tips for using Behat on a Drupal project

Speaker: Stephen Cross
Drupal Migrate is now in Core, but how do you use it?

How do you transform fields to paragraphs, handle translation, move nodes to terms and vice versa?

What are process plugins, which helper modules should you look at?

All of these questions can be answered as well as how to keep up with the changes.

This talk is meant for beginners to the migrate api and will teach you how to approach a migration.

There will not be a live demo, but code example and snippets will be provided.

Speaker: Nic Laflin

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