Look ma, no hands! How to manage Drupal content without technical skills.


When the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) mandated that we use Gutenberg as the content editor UI for all their Presidential Library and Museum websites, we balked.

After all, in the 10+ years since Gutenberg emerged, it didn't have a lot of downloads. But the Govies at NARA knew something we didn't.

After getting our hands on Gutenberg, we fell in love, so much that we have helped maintain the module. Now, we recommend Gutenberg to all our clients.

We have also built USWDS components into Gutenberg and contributed that to the community as well. There are even built-in, context sensitive, tutorials so content manager training can be done in less than 1 hour.

In this session, we will demonstrate how easy it is to install, configure, and use to create and manage content for government websites.

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