Styleguide + Prototype: Move Fast and Embrace Drupal

Video Description

Session speaker(s): RobLoach, thiago

A static prototype, along with a styleguide, puts your ideas into the hands of your clients, users, and developers sooner, providing more time for iteration—ultimately resulting in a better product.

This session will focus on Kalamuna’s approach to prototyping and in-browser component driven design practices, and the benefits and experience thereof. You will learn how Kalastatic connects the bridge between prototype and impementation through its orchestration across various components:

A carefully honed static site generator powered by Node.js, featuring Metalsmith, SASS, TWIG, and any other templating engine you could think of.
Building a living styleguide out of KSS makes your components come to life.
Atomic Design Principles
Applying patterns and standards for creating design systems around your web components.
BEM and Coding Standards
Sanitize your code with conventions for state variations.
Build Tools
Grunt, Bower, npm, Live-Reloading, and other conveniences to keep development flowing.
The Bridge to Drupal

Bringing all of this to Drupal gives your site a lot of power. From prototype and styleguide, to an actual implementation, you're left with living web components that rapidly change and grow, and have the Drupal-side reflect those changes. Front-End web development doesn't stop with the theme - it's only the beginning.