Getting Started with Module Development

Video Description

Manish Champsee

This session is targeted to people who have experience as Drupal site-builders who are looking to get started with module development.

While there are many powerful contrib modules that do some amazing things, sometimes you will have a unique problem for which a contrib module hasn't been developed for. Ever run into a module that didn't quite do what you wanted it to do? Wish that a dropdown were checkboxes instead or vice versa? You can write a custom module that can fix those things.

We will go over contrib modules, configuration changes and other tools that will help you with writing modules.We will go over how to use Drupal Console to create a starting point for any modules that you want to develop and then go over some simple code examples to show you some of the powerful things you can do with relatively little effort.

After attending this session, you will know how to create custom modules that will make simple changes that can add some polish to your site. More importantly, you will learn what to do when you run into things we hadn't discussed in this talk.