Drupal 8 Case Study – Stanford Cantor Arts Center Redesign

Video Description

Kristen Pol / porkloin

In the Spring of 2017, Stanford’s Cantor Arts Center came to Hook 42 with a project to redesign their aging website with a shiny new Drupal 8 website that would allow the museum’s exemplary visual arts exhibits and photographic assets take center stage. What followed was a development cycle full of rigorous content strategy, front-end design, and back-end development that culminated in the newly-launched Cantor Arts Center website.

This session will expand upon our methodology and thought process in arriving at each aspect of the site’s development, including:

Content modeling for atomic design using the Paragraphs, UI Patterns, Display Suite, Layouts modules
Development of a Stanford Events Feed importer module built around Migrate and Migrate Plus
Content and editorial workflows for flexible and custom content
Intended Audience

Anyone interested in content strategy, migrations, and flexible components will benefit from this session.

Skill Levels

This session is suitable beginner and intermediate Drupalers, and anyone interested in learning more about Cantor Arts Center migration to Drupal 8.

About the Speakers

Kristen has been working with Drupal since 2004 as a developer and architect, specializing in multilingual, migrations, architecture, and SEO. She has presented at many DrupalCons, BADCamps, Stanford camps, and other Drupal camps and user group meetings. Check out Kristen's drupal.org page and her Hook 42 team page for more info.

Ryan started with Drupal in 2010 and hasn't looked back since. He is a graphic designer and full-stack developer with a focus on front-end development including decoupled solutions. Ryan has presented at Drupal camps including Stanford and Texas. Check out Ryan's Hook 42 team page for more info.
