GovCMS on Lagoon, the Australian Government move to a 100% open source platform

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As announced in July, the GovCMS team will be working with Salsa Digital and to build the next generation of the GovCMS hosting platform.

GovCMS is program managed by the Australian Government and provides content management and website hosting for all government agencies - Federal, State and Local.

In this session we'll provide some background and explain how the new platform will leverage a 100% open source toolset of Drupal, Gitlab, Lagoon & Kubernetes for developing, testing, deploying, managing, supporting, and hosting GovCMS sites.

The new GovCMS integrates features such as containerisation, continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) and brings the GovCMS SaaS and PaaS systems onto the same platform with a common development and deployment process. Agencies will be able to leverage upstream enhancements, benefit from economies of scale, and more automation. All sites, either SaaS (managed by Finance) or PaaS (self-managed by agencies), will be co-hosted on a single platform, but logically and securely isolated from each other.

The solution also offers a number of other benefits which we will touch on including :

- Self Healing
- Auto Scaling
- Logging and monitoring
- Redundancy across 3 availability zones
- Centralised Drupal code updates across all projects
- Containerisation
- GitLab CI
- Standardi(z|s)ed Local Development
- Security Certifications
- Migration of ~200 production sites using AWX

Some more information, and a technical information pack is available at…