Everything You Wanted to Know about CKEditor 5 and Drupal, But Were Afraid to Ask

Video Description

CKEditor 5 is out and coming soon to a Drupal site near you, as CKEditor 4 is reaching it's planned end-of-life next year. If you've only customized your CKEditor experience via the Drupal GUI then you're in good shape, but if you've gone beyond that to customize CKEditor via a Drupal module (whether just customizing unexposed CKEditor settings, or adding in third-party CKEditor plugins), you'll need to know about the upcoming changes with Drupal 10 and how they'll affect you.

This session will provide an overview of the changes on both the CKEditor side and the Drupal side, and a look at what you'll need to do to get your custom modules updated to work with CKEditor 5.

Kevin Pittman of Georgia Institute of Technology

Kevin is a Web Services Architect for the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts at Georgia Tech, supporting all of the websites in a college made up of six schools and more than a dozen project centers. He has been working with Drupal for over fifteen years, going back to Drupal 5, and in his spare time, amongst other creative pursuits, Kevin is a professional puppeteer and puppet builder.
