Drupal and Container Orchestration: Using Kubernetes to Manage All the Things
Video Description
Cloud hosting can provide great cost savings for any organization, but taking infrastructure management into your own hands can prove a challenge. Modern web applications are rarely as simple as a single Drupal install—and operating at scale only complicates the matter. We need a solution that allows developers to define infrastructure and networking for their applications and manage deployments with ease.
This session addresses how to use Kubernetes, a powerful open-source tool designed to manage applications in the cloud. How does your team prepare a Drupal site for container orchestration? How can you manage multiple environments such as production, pre-production, and local? How can you integrate your non-Drupal web services?
We will review:
Containerizing Drupal
Service Discovery
Configuration and Secrets Management
Load balancing
Auto-scaling a cluster
Integrate External Services
Deploy with Rolling Updates
This session is for:
Solution Architects
This session addresses how to use Kubernetes, a powerful open-source tool designed to manage applications in the cloud. How does your team prepare a Drupal site for container orchestration? How can you manage multiple environments such as production, pre-production, and local? How can you integrate your non-Drupal web services?
We will review:
Containerizing Drupal
Service Discovery
Configuration and Secrets Management
Load balancing
Auto-scaling a cluster
Integrate External Services
Deploy with Rolling Updates
This session is for:
Solution Architects