Delegating Work: A Zippy Guide to Releasing Your Death Grip on Control

Video Description

Hannah Del Porto, Katie Fulton, Morgan Howell

Becoming a manager is awesome! You have a whole team of people you can pass projects off to, so that you can focus on strategy, innovation and leadership!

Wait, why aren't you passing projects off to your team? They won't do it the way you do it? They might make a mistake? You don't have time to explain every single thing to them?

We need to talk.

Giving up control of your work isn't easy, but it's the only way for you to move on to bigger challenges and to give your employees the opportunity to grow. So let's talk about how to identify which tasks make sense to pass on to your team, as well as some rules for supporting them in their new work without suffocating them with your "help".

This session is appropriate for all levels of people that do, could or should delegate some of their work to others.