5 Simple Tips To Level Up Your Legacy Code - You Won't Believe What Happens Next! / Michael Strelan

Video Description

5 Simple Tips To Level Up Your Legacy Code - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!
Michael Strelan
Time: Wednesday 19th October 14:50-15:25
Room: Ballroom 2
Track: Drupal Development
Have you ever reviewed an unfamiliar code base only to nope right out after seeing the 2000 line .module file? Or perhaps past you wrote that .module file and present you knows better? Let me guess, there are no tests in sight. Everyone is nervous to make any sweeping changes, so they've been piling on series upon series of very specific if statements.

In this session we'll explore how you can pay off that technical debt and get the codebase in to shape. We'll discuss why this needs to start with automated testing and get comfortable writing tests quickly and easily. Then we'll dive in to what other tools and techniques can be used to have a codebase you can be proud of. This includes enforcing code quality through static analysis as well as replacing those nested-if-statement-hooks-of-hell with clean, readable plugins and bundle classes. Finally we'll discuss how to keep the code in good health with automated checks in CI/CD.
Recorded by Tomato Elephant Studio