Better user and editor experience - exploring open data on GovCMS / Julia Topliss & Matthew Pirani

Video Description

Better user and editor experience - exploring open data on GovCMS
Julia Topliss & Matthew Pirani
Time: Wednesday 19th October 14:50-15:25
Room: Elevate
Track: Showcases & Project Management
IPEA is a government authority tasked with the management and reporting of parliamentarian expenditure. In this case study we will show how the Migrate and Solr modules were used to solve scalability and performance challenges by providing a user and editor friendly solution. The end result is that citizens and parliamentarians can access data expenditure more efficiently.

Matt & Julia will discuss how to work on GovCMS SaaS to deliver improved experiences.

This presentation covers:
1. Improving user experience with better performance on rendering complex datasets containing many rows of data using view modes and Solr.
2. Improving website management experience by providing internal tools to add/update/publish reports which contain thousands of rows of data. Considering scalability in the implementation with the requirement to factor in future reporting periods on a quarterly and monthly basis.
3. Providing stability and scalability with a solution that is delivered onto the GovCMS SaaS platform and the restrictions & challenges that come with working on a proscriptive platform.

This presentation will be of interest to:
GovCMS agencies who want to get the most from GovCMS SaaS
Developers looking for tips on how to build performance and scalable solutions.
Open data advocates interested in citizen access to government data.
Recorded by Tomato Elephant Studio