Intro into Layout Builder and Drupal.offCanvas with extra tricks (and no extra... / Joshua Graham

Video Description

Intro into Layout Builder and Drupal.offCanvas with extra tricks (and no extra Drupal modules)
Joshua Graham
Time: Thursday 20th October 11:00-11:35
Room: Ballroom 2
Track: Drupal Development
- Present an overview of what Drupal core Layout Builder module is (psst! It is better that Display Suite!).
- Show/explain some custom Layout Builder PHP/YML code that allows extra html classes, custom plugin classes and extra form fields, all in the theme layer! (no extra modules, can even work in GovCMS!)
- Show that via block contexts, layout builder can show a Drupal view of a Drupal node in draft state (or any revision). Traditionally, Drupal views will only work with the current published version.

- Present an overview of what Drupal core Drupal.offCanvas() is, how it works, how to style etc.
- Show/explain how to add extra classes to specific instances via JavaScript.

- Finally, show a live website example of Layout Builder andDrupal.offCanvas() (Lead Developed by yours truly) and mention how these can work together. ( : Click "cite this page" on the right)
Recorded by Tomato Elephant Studio