Kim Pepper - Workflow: A new tool in the toolbox - DrupalSouth 2017 - Vault

Video Description

Drupal 8.4 introduced a new Workflow API, and the Content Moderation module in core is built on top of it. But the Workflow API can do more than just moderate content: it’s a living, breathing State Machine in Drupal core.

In this session, I will give you a practical demonstration on how to use the Workflow API to model an issue tracker with a new Workflow Type.

Intended Audience
This session is for Drupal Developers who want to learn about the new Workflow API in Drupal 8.4 and get into some real code examples of implementing custom workflows. Warning: there will be lots of code.

What You Should Get Out of the Session
You should come away with a clear understanding of the API, and its components, and what you need to do to implement your own workflows.