Session: "Using SVGs in Drupal" by Rikki Bochow
Video Description
Room: Doghouse Agency (Level 2)
Thursday, 27-Oct-2016, 10:30
Intermediate - Building
Rikki Bochow
Drupal 8 has SVGs in core and by default looks for logo.svg in your theme. So why are SVGs so good and how can you start using them everywhere (including your Drupal 7 site)?
This session will cover:
- What are the benefits of SVGs over icon fonts and retina graphics
- What are the current set backs of SVGs
- Methods of using SVGs (img, inline, sprite, css backgrounds etc) and why use one over the other
How to form your SVG for optimisation, accessibility and browser consistency
And the big one - "Why can't I upload an SVG to an image field already"?
Thursday, 27-Oct-2016, 10:30
Intermediate - Building
Rikki Bochow
Drupal 8 has SVGs in core and by default looks for logo.svg in your theme. So why are SVGs so good and how can you start using them everywhere (including your Drupal 7 site)?
This session will cover:
- What are the benefits of SVGs over icon fonts and retina graphics
- What are the current set backs of SVGs
- Methods of using SVGs (img, inline, sprite, css backgrounds etc) and why use one over the other
How to form your SVG for optimisation, accessibility and browser consistency
And the big one - "Why can't I upload an SVG to an image field already"?