DrupalCamp Atlanta 2016: Drupal 8 for Newcomers (Ed Allison)

Video Description

When compared to other CMSs, one common objection to Drupal is that it is more complicated. While it is true that Drupal can extend itself to provide great power and flexibility, there are resources available that make spinning up a new Drupal 8 site easy even to the uninitiated. Project managers, junior developers and hobbyists can, in just a few minutes, have their own Drupal 8 site up and running using Acquia’s Dev Desktop client. Follow along as we walk through the steps to have a functioning site built featuring:

Custom pages and articles.
Added custom Drupal modules.
Custom sub theme.
Custom CSS/Javascript.
This presentation assumes no experience with Drupal whatsoever.

Learn more: http://drupalcampatlanta.com/2016/sessions/drupal-8-newcomers