Drupal 8 Theming: Twig (all the new awesome)
Video Description
Keynote session of the Drupal Camp Frankfurt 2014
The Themers of Drupal have for years been whining & moaning over the "rich markup" markup, confusing theme functionality, Drupals lack of separation from the frontend to the backend and generally WTF when you work in the theme.
Now in Drupal8 The Dark ages of Drupal Theming is gone (forever) phptemplate is put on the bench and is replaced by "a modern tempting system": TWIG
By mortendk (https://twitter.com/mortendk)
The Themers of Drupal have for years been whining & moaning over the "rich markup" markup, confusing theme functionality, Drupals lack of separation from the frontend to the backend and generally WTF when you work in the theme.
Now in Drupal8 The Dark ages of Drupal Theming is gone (forever) phptemplate is put on the bench and is replaced by "a modern tempting system": TWIG
By mortendk (https://twitter.com/mortendk)