DCFFM17 - Christoph Breidert: deGov - Building a Distribution based on Acquia Lightning

Video Description

In November 2016 we launched the first version of deGov - a Drupal distribution built on top of the Lightning distribution from Acquia.

At the moment we are working strongly on releasing the first stable fully functioning version of deGov. With the early version we have built two websites, parallel with the new version we are releasing the third website built with deGov.

In this talk I will walk through the details of building a distribution based on Lighning and the impact his has on creating projects. I will also share our experience with creating a distribution for a special audience and the and outline where we observed advantages and drawbacks by working with Lightning.

At the moment deGov is backed by three German Drupal companies. deGov is an open source software and we invite everybody to participate and benefit from the project.

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14DrZR-vOdVi04XFxP56l7VRMD9Bp_2AS5QOImnJC9cU/edit#slide=id.g1ea7e53047_0_220

