DCFFM17 - Christoph Breidert: Showcase International Onlineshop ORLO WATCHES w. Drupal 8/Commerce 2

Video Description

In Oktober 2016 the first beta version of Drupal 8 / Commerce 2 was released. Beta version means that an upgrade path exists and you can start building onlinehops.

On the first of April 2017 we launched the brand new online shop for the Scandinavian watch company ORLO WATCHES.

ORLO WATCHES was founded by the former brand manager from GEORG JENSEN Skandinavian design company and one of the most well-known Danish watch designers.

The onlineshop starts out with multiple shop instances (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, EU, International), two languages (Danish, English), and 4 currencies (DKK, SEK, NOK, EUR).

The onlineshop was designed by New York based design Agency NR2154 and is fully responsive and uses latest HTML5 technology.

In this session we cover the functionalities of Commerce 2 and show how real e-commerce applications can be built using the example of ORLO WATCHES.

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1I_WRMoKN1az9l_UjYRMiGlTYm7I7p43zxzDIiV-vpbM/edit?usp=sharing

