DCFFM17 - Isabel Mansilla Rodriguez: Map Search Page Search Api, Facets, Solr and Geolocation
Video Description
A search page with a map is something required on lots of websites. Depending on the nature of the data, adding facets can improve the user experience in a search page.
Once you know how to implement such a page, you realize that devloping a nice solution doesn't need much effort. The tricky part is the choice of modules you are going to use, how they work together and how to configure them properly.
In this session I am going to use the modules Search API, Facets, Search API Solr Search and Geolocation Field and I will present step by step instructions on how to create the search page with a map including the difficulties that I found and how I solved them.
Once you know how to implement such a page, you realize that devloping a nice solution doesn't need much effort. The tricky part is the choice of modules you are going to use, how they work together and how to configure them properly.
In this session I am going to use the modules Search API, Facets, Search API Solr Search and Geolocation Field and I will present step by step instructions on how to create the search page with a map including the difficulties that I found and how I solved them.