Drupalcamp London 2020 - CXO Day Keynote - Rachel Lawson

Video Description

"Contribution makes sense for your business. Here’s how the Drupal Association is providing the plumbing to drive that success"

We hear from all quarters that contributing to open source projects, and Drupal in particular, makes sense for our business. But what does that mean for your organization?

Carrie Lacina and Rachel Lawson, the Fund Development Director and the Community Liaison for the Drupal Association, will take us on a journey through how the Drupal Association and Project work to ensure that your business is recognized for contributing which can grow both the project and your organization. . They will demonstrate the diverse ways that contribution happens right now, and how that will evolve and expand in the future. They will detail the infrastructure that the Drupal Association supports to create Drupal Champions and amplify their contribution and expertise to the community and even potential Drupal customers/end-users