DrupalCamp Spain 2022 - PM The Project Management methodology developed by the European Commission

Video Description

PM² is a light and easy-to-implement methodology that project teams can tailor to their specific needs. It is completely free to use and all related materials (methodology guide, project templates, learning material) are open source.
PM² is being used successfully across the EU on a variety of projects (IT, communication campaigns, telecom, business development…) and allow project teams to focus on delivering value and positive impact to their beneficiaries and clients.
The session will explain what are the different artefacts that you can use to manage your project using this methodology, the different phases the methodology includes and some tricks.

Ponente: Montaña Franco
Nivel de experiencia: Principiante
Temática: Metodologías de Trabajo/Gestión de proyectos
Versión de drupal: No aplica
Idioma: Castellano