Drupal 8 + Foundation 6: The Perfect Combination
Video Description
Eric Huffman (thehuffman)
In this session we’ll explore options using Zurb Foundation 6 to create a custom Drupal 8 theme. Foundation 6 was released in November 2015, and delivers a lean system that aims to reduce complexity, improve accessibility, and provide tools that are becoming standards in Drupal theme development.
A quick introduction to the top features of the Zurb Foundation framework and its customizability.
An overview of how to create a custom responsive theme in Drupal 8 using parts of the “Stable” theme with css and javascript from Foundation.
A look at the front end build tools delivered with the Zurb template, and how you can use their package to include prototypes, and a style guide within your Drupal 8 theme.
The status of the contributed Drupal Foundation theme for Drupal 8.
This session is intended for front end developers who are getting started with Drupal 8 theming, and are looking to leverage the power of a front end framework. It will also prove helpful for those looking to jumpstart a more advanced front end workflow.
Presentation Slides
Sample Themes
Learning Objectives & Outcomes:
After attending this session you’ll have a better understanding of the features and options available in the Zurb Foundation framework, a great path forward for standing up a Drupal 8 theme built off of Foundation, and a basis for modernizing your front end workflow.
In this session we’ll explore options using Zurb Foundation 6 to create a custom Drupal 8 theme. Foundation 6 was released in November 2015, and delivers a lean system that aims to reduce complexity, improve accessibility, and provide tools that are becoming standards in Drupal theme development.
A quick introduction to the top features of the Zurb Foundation framework and its customizability.
An overview of how to create a custom responsive theme in Drupal 8 using parts of the “Stable” theme with css and javascript from Foundation.
A look at the front end build tools delivered with the Zurb template, and how you can use their package to include prototypes, and a style guide within your Drupal 8 theme.
The status of the contributed Drupal Foundation theme for Drupal 8.
This session is intended for front end developers who are getting started with Drupal 8 theming, and are looking to leverage the power of a front end framework. It will also prove helpful for those looking to jumpstart a more advanced front end workflow.
Presentation Slides
Sample Themes
Learning Objectives & Outcomes:
After attending this session you’ll have a better understanding of the features and options available in the Zurb Foundation framework, a great path forward for standing up a Drupal 8 theme built off of Foundation, and a basis for modernizing your front end workflow.