Drupalnator Themestation: Understanding Drupal 8's New Theming Layers

Video Description

Darryl Norris (darol100)

In this talk, we are going to be discussing the major differences between Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 theming layers. In addition, participants are going to learn file organization of a theme in Drupal 8. Basics twig syntax, which will include output variables in twig and how to use filters, will also be discussed. Although we will be demonstrating this with the base themes (Classy, Stable), users will be able to apply what they learn to other themes, and maybe even be able to make themes of their own!

Slides are available - bit.ly/28UyMXj
Learning Objectives & Outcomes:

Participants are going to learn how to use Drupal Console to their advantage to build their theme. At the end of the session, participants will be able to understand, configure, and deploy a variety of themes using the updated Drupal 8 CMS.
