University of Minnesota Enterprise Drupal: Lessons Learned
Video Description
Rebecca Noran
Blaine Cross (blainecross)
Brent Engebretson
Rachel Lam
Charlot Meyer
Over the last two years, the University of Minnesota has implemented Drupal 7 as the system-wide CMS for web services, across hundreds of sites and dozens of units. You might be curious -- how did that go? Join staff from across several units of the U of M in a panel discussion of lessons learned, pain points healed, and insights gained through this process.
Moderated by:
Rebecca Noran, Director for Web Communications, Academic Health Center
Panelists include:
Blaine Cross, Web Developer, College of Continuing Education
Brent Engebretson, Web Administrator, Academic Health Center
Rachel Lam, Web Designer, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
Charlot Meyer, Web Project Lead, Office of Executive Vice President and Provost
Blaine Cross (blainecross)
Brent Engebretson
Rachel Lam
Charlot Meyer
Over the last two years, the University of Minnesota has implemented Drupal 7 as the system-wide CMS for web services, across hundreds of sites and dozens of units. You might be curious -- how did that go? Join staff from across several units of the U of M in a panel discussion of lessons learned, pain points healed, and insights gained through this process.
Moderated by:
Rebecca Noran, Director for Web Communications, Academic Health Center
Panelists include:
Blaine Cross, Web Developer, College of Continuing Education
Brent Engebretson, Web Administrator, Academic Health Center
Rachel Lam, Web Designer, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
Charlot Meyer, Web Project Lead, Office of Executive Vice President and Provost