DrupalCon Amsterdam 2014: CKEditor in Drupal 8 - The New Possibilities

Video Description

Speakers: wwalc
Drupal 8 will finally be shipped with a default WYSIWYG editor: CKEditor. Content creation and editing is one of the most frequent tasks in CMS applications, that’s why it’s important to fully grasp the tools used while editing. A good understanding of the editor will help you control what’s being posted and increase the efficiency of your site’s content creators.

This session will not only guide you through CKEditor-related features in Drupal 8, but will also help you extend CKEditor functionality by providing your own features.


Why existing WYSIWYG solutions for Drupal 6/7 are bad.
New features offered in CKEditor & Text Editor modules.
What is ACF? How content filtering works in CKEditor.
Widgets: why use them and how they handle images.
Writing and adding plugins to CKEditor, extending the list of configuration options.
Security: HTML Filter vs. ACF.
About me: Wiktor Walc, CTO @ CKSource. I’m a Drupal enthusiast. I had the pleasure of being an FCKeditor / CKEditor module maintainer for Drupal 5, 6 & 7.