DrupalCon Amsterdam 2014: Drupal DevOps on Azure Websites | Drupal & Ruby: Let's Be Friends

Video Description

Speakers: sunithamktkrajcar
Note: This session contains two half hour sessions back to back.

Session 1: Drupal DevOps on Azure Websites

Time: 13:00-13:30
Experience level: Intermediate
Company: Microsoft Azure

Microsoft’s Azure Websites is a great cloud platform to host your Drupal Websites. Azure Website offers secure, reliable, and scalable environment for your websites and already hosts over 250,000 Drupal, WordPress, Joomla, and other OSS based websites.

Microsoft Azure Websites is a fully managed platform as a service (PaaS) for hosting Websites. The platform offers a quick, easy, and cost competitive way to create, deploy and manage web applications while removing the need to manage or even think about the underlying infrastructure. Allowing you to focus on your application, not your servers. Among other thing, Azure Websites includes capabilities such as, Backup and Restore, Staging Slots, High Availability and AutoScale.

But once you have hosted your site, you must wonder how do I manage my Drupal website? What tools can I use? Will my existing tools work?
In this session we will answer all these questions and help you understand how Azure websites makes it easy to perform all your DevOps tasks from deployment to management of your website. Some of the topics we will cover is:

Automated Deployment for Drupal
Using Drush on Azure Websites
Using Drupal Shell Scripts
Using Azure Web Jobs for Drupal Cron Jobs
Setting up CI from Travis and Jenkins
Session 2: Drupal & Ruby: Let's Be Friends

Time: 13:30-14:00
Experience level: Intermediate
Company: New Relic

As a Drupalist, sometimes we expect Drupal to be the solution to every problem -- the universal, one-size-fits-all hammer to every nail. Ruby is making an appearance in more and more Drupal developers' toolboxes. I'll explain why this is fantastic, how some Ruby proficiency will help you be a better Drupal developer, and equip you to make informed decisions and consider alternatives when building out your Drupal sites' features and functionality.

We'll sprint through a fly-by overview of the language itself, then spend some time talking about the various Ruby-based tools that are being used to build Drupal sites big and small. Next we'll discuss where Drupal excels and where it's not always the best solution, and we'll close with some real-world examples of quickly and enjoyably building simple 'tag-along' Ruby apps to support Drupal sites.