DrupalCon Amsterdam 2014: Eurail.com: Selling Train Passes Online with Drupal

Video Description

Speakers: hugo.eurailakhodakovskiy
About Eurail.com
Eurail.com is a fast growing company that sells train passes online worldwide, with which travellers can visit Europe by train for a few days or a few weeks. Main products are InterRail passes for European residents and Eurail passes for the rest of the world.

Eurail.com belongs to one of the 50 largest internet companies in the Netherlands (located in Utrecht) with the yearly turnover of 60 million euro.
Running 3 ecommerce websites: www.eurail.com, www.interrail.eu and www.germanrailpasses.com

What and Why?
Eurail was experiencing the problems with their previous supplier in support, maintenance of the websites and in development of new features. Outstanding downtimes of the web applications leaded to the drops in sales.

They were looking for a reliable technical partner who could fulfill the existing gaps and who could act as a technical adviser and integrator in the long-term relations.


Audit of the code, security bug fixing
Onboarding on a new platform - Acquia Cloud Enterprise
Performance testing with BlazeMeter
24/7 SLA Support
Complete Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 migration
Agile development
CDN integration
Drupal Commerce integration
Ecommerce migration into Drupal

Eurail team
Adyax engagement, development and support teams
Partnership with Commerce Guys

Start: March 2013
1 month of Onboarding
7 months of re-development/migration to Drupal 7
1.5 years of Support
7 months for ecommerce migration to Drupal Commerce
Strategy and development plan up to 2017
Results and Learnings?

No downtime
Stable sales
Improved user experience, content management
Ecommerce flows optimized
More learnings will be presented by the IT manager of the Eurail.com - Hugo Knobbout, who kindly agreed to assist Adyax in presentation on the conference.