DrupalCon Amsterdam 2014: GSS - the CSS layout system that's 2 generations ahead

Video Description

Speakers: alanburke
So zen-grids is pretty cool, and susy continues to strive forward. We haven't quite got to grips with Flexbox yet. CSS grids might soon be usable and CSS regions is coming down the track.

But there is something new on the scene [well, it wouldn't be a frontend session unless it talked about a new thing that's both ground-breaking and almost unheard of], that promises to blow them all away.

It's called Grid Style Sheets, and it bypasses the standard browser layout engine, frees us from those shackles, and unleashes a new world of layout possibilities.

This session will:

Explain the concepts behind Grid Stylesheets
Explain the syntax and language
Demonstrate how it can be used in the real world
Demonstrate use in a Drupal 8 site
If you're interested in the future of CSS layouts - this session is for you!