DrupalCon Amsterdam 2019: The transformation from Print paper to Digital News & Media with Drupal

Video Description

Pratik Mehta
Singapore Press Holdings, Singapore, Singapore

SPH is one of the biggest News and Media company in Singapore having 20+ Publication website build with Drupal. All Major publications have Mobile apps which are integrated with Drupal backend.

As the globe is going digital transformation, News and Media also need to have a transformation. Day by day physical newspapers are reducing and revenues are declining. There comes a need for digitalization and with the help of Drupal, all end to end features are built.

Problem: Revenue of physical newspaper is declining, Get print center news article into a news portal, Website Scaling, Data Security, Marketing.

Approaches :
Using Drupal as CMS, we are able to integrate print center news article into the Drupal system and article are published for public users.
A website with 10000 concurrent users and millions of monthly users on a single publication, it's always a pain to have high uptime and sometimes due to some special events like election results, the traffic is much higher. Using Drupal caching with varnish and CDN it helps us to serve a higher uptime.
Drupal also provides easy creating and editing news articles to content writers so with minimum knowledge of the technology they can serve better.
Drupal multilingual website is built in Chinese and English language.
Since the major of Publication are having both Android and iOS apps, Drupal serves as a backend for both.

Next steps:
Explore Drupal with headless system, improving the performance and flexibility of future products.