Large-scale content creation with Drupal — Delights, Pitfalls and support structures to help edito

Video Description

The new Website of a large public administration in Switzerland is based on Drupal. With a new structure and a setup built from scratch, the new website offers a state-of-the-art user experience. But to make this work, nearly all content had to be created from scratch. Giving editors the right tools to create the content, establishing solid support structures and measuring the success of the newly created content was a challenge. In this talk you will hear first-hand how the whole process was organized and what was needed to make it happen.

The session is aimed at clients, project managers, editors and also developers who are involved in content-focused projects.

We will present how the project was structured and what measures were taken to ensure a viable content creation process. This includes:
- Training of editors
- Providing modern tools (incl. a newly developed editor)
- Providing information on how to create content
- Setting up a support-structure with the option to get feedback from editors
- Giving insights in challenges and pitfalls that Drupal presented in the project

Learning Objectives
You will get some best practices in order to setup the necessary structures to make such a project successful. We will be able to provide you with first-hand experience from agency and client side present in Barcelona.

Experience level