Entity Share: A cost-effective solution to manage multisite content
Video Description
"With the initiative of CMI, shipping configuration among various instances of a site has become easy now. But when it comes to content, options are limited yet available. Entity share is one such contributed module that sheds light on some key features that one should not overlook while choosing the right one for their site keeping cost-effectiveness in mind. It provides an easy means to manage control on shared content among websites of a multi-site setup. With initial configurations in place, end-user can have complete control over content sharing functionality on their websites while not affecting any version of the content at both ends without developer intervention.
Key features:
1. Installing and configuration process.
2. Benefits
3. Use case
4. Limitation of the module
Module page: https://www.drupal.org/project/entity_share
Detailed blog is at https://www.srijan.net/blog/entity-share-a-cost-effective-solution-to-manage-multisite-content"
Key features:
1. Installing and configuration process.
2. Benefits
3. Use case
4. Limitation of the module
Module page: https://www.drupal.org/project/entity_share
Detailed blog is at https://www.srijan.net/blog/entity-share-a-cost-effective-solution-to-manage-multisite-content"