DrupalCon Latin America 2015: Setting up a Reusable and Durable Drupal Lean Process Factory

Video Description

Speakers: victorkane
Título en español:

Poner en pie una fábrica de Drupal Durable en base de un proceso Lean reutilizable

Short description in English

We need to set up our own factory for producing web apps that will truly meet people's needs. In doing so we acquire and install reusable industry-wide best practices that are simple and straightforward to use. And that acquire our experience as we grow.

By attending this presentation you will learn how an agile, lean Drupal friendly process can be actually tooled up and customized to create the best context for your team to work in parallel, acquire experience, deliver, and then repeat the experience with confidence and increased productivity.

Scroll down for complete description in English

Breve descripción en español

Necesitamos poner en pie nuestra propia fábrica para producir aplicaciones web que realmente satisfacen las necesidades de la gente. Al hacer esto nosotros adquirimos las mejoras prácticas de nuestra industria que son, a la vez, sencillas y prácticas para utilizar. Y que crecen a medida que vamos adquiriendo experiencia.

Al asistir a la presentanción se aprenderá como un proceso ágil y lean, orientado a Drupal, puede ser puesto en pie a nivel práctico, y customizado para crear el mejor entorno para que todo el equipo trabaje en paralelo, crezca en experiencia, acostumbrarse a las distintas formas de entrega y para que también pueda repetir la experiencia con confianza y mayor productividad.

We will learn how to:

Set up a LAMP stack with development, staging and production instances, in a virtual machine on a laptop, on a VPS (from scratch) and even see how to install drush and all the tools we need on a shared hosting account.
Create and maintain our own in house Drupal distro with all the modules and themes we can use over and over again, and evolve it as we gain experience and make decisions about what we prefer to use in our architecture
Use the "everything in code" paradigm, and develop a workflow using version control and other tools to develop on the development instance, deploy to staging and test there, and how to push to live
Create value hypotheses (lean process templates, tools and processes) together with our clients and agree on a Minimum Viable Product for testing those hypotheses, and what this means in a Drupal context
Create and implement a structured content strategy and content creation workflow together with the client based on Drupal's power as a flexible CMS framework
Use the migrate module in different ways in order to grab legacy content (very few of the web apps we are called upon to build will be new or from scratch)
Arrive at our candidate architecture in a Drupal friendly fashion. How to persist this as an installation profile as part of our on-going in house distro maintenance
Iterate agilely over a series of functional prototypes built to test project value hypotheses together with the client and how to build the workflow necessary for this with maximum client participation.
See the final product as a Minimum Viable Product iteration itself and into the future.
Go team go; test team test; deploy team deploy
A word on experience level

Strictly speaking this is a session aimed at intermediate web app builders with some experience in sysadmin, agile and lean process, and Drupal site building and theming. However, if you are an eager beginner and understand that you will be building web apps and not websites and need to learn all of this anyway, you will be able to follow along and finish up with a clear and straightforward work plan needed to acquire all these skills.


This is not a workshop; however all materials necessary for actually working through these challenging items will be made available in the slides, my blog and publicly available repos, so that attendees will be able to make practical use of everything covered in the session.

Distro repo: https://github.com/victorkane/durable-drupal-distro