DrupalCon Munich 2012: Bonuses for your mobile Drupal website

Video Description

Do you often think about making your mobile Drupal website friendly for smartphones? Or has you already started to build a Drupal mobile application using MAG (Mobile App Generator) module and PhoneGap?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you should be on this session! You will learn the best practices for making your mobile Drupal website look like a native iOS or Android app. You will know how to make:

iPhone-like scroll.
Touch carousels and slideshow.
Transition effects between pages.
Nice popups and panels.
Also we are going to show you our favorite ready to use mobile themes and modules and introduce you to the PhoneGap project and MAG module.

Fabian's and Jeff's session about MAG and PhoneGap:

If you want to be on this session, please, leave your comment!