DrupalCon Munich 2012: Introducing Symfony2

Video Description

During his last keynote in Denver, Dries made it clear that Symfony2 is going to play an extremely important role in the making of the upcoming version(s) of Drupal: this session will be an occasion to uncover some of the concepts and libraries that are being introduced in the making of our beloved CMS.

Some Object Oriented Design fundamentals will be covered such as orthogonal code, inversion of control and pervasive testing along with some of most important features of the framework and it will show how clean and tested applications can be developed using the rich set of components it comes with.

Some of the topics that will be covered:

What's Symfony2
Bad practices that should be left behind
Principles of Class Design or How To Make Proper Use Of That Object Oriented Thingy
The most important Symfony2 components
The framework and the standard distribution
The most important third-party libraries