DrupalCon Munich 2012: The project application review process

Video Description

Before users are allowed to publish their Drupal modules or themes as full projects on drupal.org they have to go through a one time approval process. We do that as quality assurance, to detect security problems, licensing issues and wrong usage of Drupal's APIs early. Klaus Purer and Patrick Drotleff are active review administrators on drupal.org and will present the current workflow and how new contributors get involved with their projects on drupal.org. In particular, we will discuss:

The way your module becomes a sandbox and then a full project
The issue queue that is used to coordinate applications
Current status of the application review process and how applicants feel about it
how to retain Drupal talent and ensure security and overall code quality at the same time
Experiments like Review Bonus and how they work out
Review process automation: pareview.sh and ventral.org
Feedback from applicants and some statistics
the everyday life of a drupal.org Git administrator
Mentoring aspects for new contributors
review process governance: decision making and discussion on groups.drupal.org
The path forward: what's next for the project application issue queue?
How can we attract more reviewers?
What should not be automated in the future?
How can we shorten the time frame until a project gets approved?
How you can help!
We will leave enough time for discussion after our talk and we look forward to pick up your input to improve the whole process in the future.