DrupalCon New Orleans 2016: Content-Driven UX

Video Description

As a web agency gains in “scope confidence,” it gradually (and sometimes painfully) evolves from:

an agency that considers a project done when it’s code complete (i.e., content is a project risk to be mitigated) to
a content-oriented strategic partner (i.e., effective content is central to the project mandate and indeed often the rationale for the project)
This evolution naturally pushes content considerations earlier and earlier in the process, so that we begin with content even before considering designs and features; and hear alarm bells ringing off when we start creating wireframes with no real content (or at least proto-content).

This is good - now we’re paying attention.

In this talk, we discuss how content strategy and UX cannot productively be considered apart from one another. Instead, when we are producing user flows, we’re aiming to understand what content needs to be produced. When we do user testing, we are doing so with content that the user would likely encounter (and value).

Armed with this perspective, an agency can finally start to help a client plan its content effectively within a web redesign project, and ensure content is driving the UX process.

This talk will help participants:

identify strategies for incorporating content strategy into UX
explain to project stakeholders how and why to begin content planning earlier
help UX designers on the project succeed by providing them with real content with which to apply relevant solutions