Design Systems and Layout Builder: Building consistency and collaboration: DrupalCon Portland 2022

Video Description

Speakers: Elly Jonez, Ana Coto-Tristan, Chris Teitzel

Originally it was just content on a page, then it was in blocks, then it was inside paragraphs inside a page, and now it’s back to blocks inside of layouts inside of sections inside of a page. Confused yet? Great! This panel is a discussion amongst various stakeholders in the site building process about how best to utilize layout builder to create the real time editing experience everyone wants, while keeping the design within scope, and not make the developers create each unique block by hand.

Enter: Design Systems. Not a new concept to some, as component driven design has been around for some years now, Design systems go beyond just components. By encapsulating the brand identity, underlying style elements, and repeatable components into a singular Design System, the site builder can be assured they can create engaging and unique pages, while keeping on brand and with minimal developer involvement. By looking at and hearing from all those involved in the process, we will discuss why starting with the design system first and building the site later can save time, headache, and future maintenance all while aligning each role in a common goal: A beautiful looking site.

This will be an open and engaging panel discussion with questions from a moderator, interspersed with those from the attendees, where everyone can leave with a plan to implement a design system in their next project using Layout Builder.