Serverless Drupal: DrupalCon Portland 2022
Video Description
Speakers: Salim Lakhani and Doug Vann
"No server is easier to manage than no server !"
Learn how to deploy Serverless Drupal in the cloud re pre-built "Reference Architecture."
You don't need to be a DevOps expert, you don't have to know Kubernetes... We'll walk you though an implementation that was built by experts at AWS specifically for Drupal. It's built around best practices and can your cut hosting fees by up to 80%.
We will discuss how some organizations have implemented serverless and review the benefits gained from this approach.
The session will include examples of different serverless architectures with links and references to how-to guides.
Presentation Slides:
Notes and comments
If accepted, I will invite other organizations / companies to the panel. Options for invitees: VOA (Voice of America), UCSF (University of California, San Francisco), Stanford Law School, Academy of Model Aeronautics, Conference Catalysts, etc.
"No server is easier to manage than no server !"
Learn how to deploy Serverless Drupal in the cloud re pre-built "Reference Architecture."
You don't need to be a DevOps expert, you don't have to know Kubernetes... We'll walk you though an implementation that was built by experts at AWS specifically for Drupal. It's built around best practices and can your cut hosting fees by up to 80%.
We will discuss how some organizations have implemented serverless and review the benefits gained from this approach.
The session will include examples of different serverless architectures with links and references to how-to guides.
Presentation Slides:
Notes and comments
If accepted, I will invite other organizations / companies to the panel. Options for invitees: VOA (Voice of America), UCSF (University of California, San Francisco), Stanford Law School, Academy of Model Aeronautics, Conference Catalysts, etc.