DrupalCon Vienna 2017: Challenges and Solutions in Getting your Open Source Company to Contribute

Video Description

How open source contribution benefits businesses and practical help on getting management and technical teams on the same page and contributing on a regular basis.

Many companies and their developers struggle to incorporate contribution into their daily working routines. Why do we struggle with contributing if we “”believe”” in open source and “know” contribution is “obviously” a good thing for all of us?

Chris “legolasbo” Jansen and Jeffrey A. “jam” McGuire present practical, actionable ways to better unify our beliefs and our actions regarding open source contribution based on an extensive academic study Chris carried out in 2015. Our goal is to get management and developers on the same page about open source contribution and help you make it happen.

How open source contribution benefits your company.
Roadblocks and unblockers to contribution for management and technical teams.

Proven, actionable tactics, improved developer workflows.
Contribution beyond code and patches.”