DrupalCon Vienna 2017: Move up the value chain: DISCOVER, DEFINE, DESIGN, DELIVER, DISTRIBUTE
Video Description
This presentation is a follow up presentation on Jeffrey A. "jam" McGuire talkĀ at several DrupalCamps (Drupal isn't enough anymore. Move up the value-add-chain). Jam mentioned NETNODE and quoted Lukas Fischer with radical quotes like "Drupal itself does not create value for our clients".
With this session, we want to present how we manage projects and how we add value to our clients business goals. We will give you very practical insights about how we consult and deliver Digital/Drupal solutions.
Session outline
The world became digital and everyone is confused
How we move(ed) up the value chain
How we do projects at NETNODE today
Target audience
C-Level, strategists, project managers
Beginner to intermediate
About the speaker
Lukas Fischer is CEO at www.netnode.ch. Michi Mauch is head of customer experience at www.netnode.ch. NETNODE is building websites and web applications since 2003. Using Drupal since it's version 5, NETNODE has long term experience and deep knowledge about Drupal and it's ecosystem.
This presentation is a follow up presentation on Jeffrey A. "jam" McGuire talkĀ at several DrupalCamps (Drupal isn't enough anymore. Move up the value-add-chain). Jam mentioned NETNODE and quoted Lukas Fischer with radical quotes like "Drupal itself does not create value for our clients".
With this session, we want to present how we manage projects and how we add value to our clients business goals. We will give you very practical insights about how we consult and deliver Digital/Drupal solutions.
Session outline
The world became digital and everyone is confused
How we move(ed) up the value chain
How we do projects at NETNODE today
Target audience
C-Level, strategists, project managers
Beginner to intermediate
About the speaker
Lukas Fischer is CEO at www.netnode.ch. Michi Mauch is head of customer experience at www.netnode.ch. NETNODE is building websites and web applications since 2003. Using Drupal since it's version 5, NETNODE has long term experience and deep knowledge about Drupal and it's ecosystem.