DrupalCon Vienna 2017: Using an iPad Pro for Development

Video Description

Although my MacBook isn’t overly heavy, it still adds additional weight to my backpack and I pack enough other stuff the way it is. Ever since the 12.9” iPad was released, I was determined to make it work for everything I would need to do while I was traveling to help lighten the weight of my backpack. That meant having everything I needed to make a quick hotfix or code change to a website project.

After some timely research, and possibly wasted app purchases, I was able to accomplish almost everything I wanted to do on an iPad and travel without my MacBook. I will do a live demo of various developer tasks and apps that help you accomplish them.

Live Demo Tasks

Setting up a new project
Managing git repositories 
Make code changes in a robust editor
Commit code changes to version control
Push code changes to a remote server
And many other developer tasks