All Good Things Must Come to an End: Archiving Your Drupal site onto Amazon S3
Video Description
Speaker(s): bendygirl
At some point, all sites come to an end, so join us in one example of how we did this for a government site. In this advanced session Dave Watts (Fig Leaf Software) and Kirsten Burgard (US Department of State) will take you through the steps they took to archive a Drupal 7 site onto S3.
Attendees will leave with an understanding of how to fail up through trial and error and:
The how-to's of switching off dynamic for static html prep.
Code scraping and fetching (laughter will ensue).
AWS S3 over alternatives like github pages.
How to configure S3 to serve your content.
How to migrate your content to S3
We'll also touch on HTTPS requirements for S3
This IS a technical session intended for intermediate to advanced attendees. Please note there WILL BE CODE.
At some point, all sites come to an end, so join us in one example of how we did this for a government site. In this advanced session Dave Watts (Fig Leaf Software) and Kirsten Burgard (US Department of State) will take you through the steps they took to archive a Drupal 7 site onto S3.
Attendees will leave with an understanding of how to fail up through trial and error and:
The how-to's of switching off dynamic for static html prep.
Code scraping and fetching (laughter will ensue).
AWS S3 over alternatives like github pages.
How to configure S3 to serve your content.
How to migrate your content to S3
We'll also touch on HTTPS requirements for S3
This IS a technical session intended for intermediate to advanced attendees. Please note there WILL BE CODE.