Migrating Revolutionary Output to Drupal 8 (Socialism & Orange Is the New Black)
Video Description
Speaker(s): sethfisher
We'll discuss in depth the largest challenge of the project - migrating links to YouTube/YT Playlist videos within body fields that open in a Colorbox modal. This involves:
A (fairly complex) custom Migrate source plugin
Multiple custom Migrate process plugins
Multiple patches to the Video Embed Field module
Multiple failed/discarded alternate solutions
We'll also discuss what the site is, and how it is constructed. The discussion of the Migrate plugins and Video Embed Field patches are geared toward developers (especially the source plugin). However, the overview of the site and the discussion of failed/discarded approaches are for a wider audience.
I'm a Drupal developer of over a decade who just started working for Taoti.
I became involved in political activism in 2008, which coincided with my introduction to Drupal. Since then, I have used my skillset to help organizations in the arenas of socialism, anti-imperialism, and independent media. I have also written a television pilot screenplay about socialism, and performed standup comedy from a working class perspective.
He doesn't know how to write a bio in the third person.
We'll discuss in depth the largest challenge of the project - migrating links to YouTube/YT Playlist videos within body fields that open in a Colorbox modal. This involves:
A (fairly complex) custom Migrate source plugin
Multiple custom Migrate process plugins
Multiple patches to the Video Embed Field module
Multiple failed/discarded alternate solutions
We'll also discuss what the site is, and how it is constructed. The discussion of the Migrate plugins and Video Embed Field patches are geared toward developers (especially the source plugin). However, the overview of the site and the discussion of failed/discarded approaches are for a wider audience.
I'm a Drupal developer of over a decade who just started working for Taoti.
I became involved in political activism in 2008, which coincided with my introduction to Drupal. Since then, I have used my skillset to help organizations in the arenas of socialism, anti-imperialism, and independent media. I have also written a television pilot screenplay about socialism, and performed standup comedy from a working class perspective.
He doesn't know how to write a bio in the third person.