Drupal 8 Theming
Video Description
Speakers: lauriii
Track: Drupal 8, Front End
Audience: Intermediate
We've all been hearing about the exciting new changes to Drupal 8. There will be fancy new template engine (Twig) and a simplified theme layer. This session will show in both practical examples & on a broader base why Drupal 8 will make all themers rock while theming Drupal.
In this session I will tell you:
• What has changed in theming
• Basics of Twig syntax
• What Drupal specific Twig functionalities we have
• How new theming layer helps theming
• Overview of the changes to the theme system in Drupal 8.
Track: Drupal 8, Front End
Audience: Intermediate
We've all been hearing about the exciting new changes to Drupal 8. There will be fancy new template engine (Twig) and a simplified theme layer. This session will show in both practical examples & on a broader base why Drupal 8 will make all themers rock while theming Drupal.
In this session I will tell you:
• What has changed in theming
• Basics of Twig syntax
• What Drupal specific Twig functionalities we have
• How new theming layer helps theming
• Overview of the changes to the theme system in Drupal 8.