[T]alking about [W]hat [I]s [G]reat about TWIG
Video Description
Larry Walangitan
Now that Drupal 8’s theming engine is powered by Twig how can we grow our skills to meet the demand? Let's explore the extensions, design patterns and tools that Twig provides when we develop for Drupal 8. In this session you’ll learn about:
Choosing Twig over a decoupled front end for Drupal 8.
Registering custom Twig templates in themes and modules.
Using advanced filters, functions and tags in Twig templates.
Implementing and extending render arrays for performance and caching.
Advanced debugging of Twig templates and variables without running out of memory.
Understanding best practices in Twig templates and Drupal 8 theming.
Staying in the loop with the latest improvements to Twig.
You'll leave this session with an advanced understanding of Twig while also having a path to resolve unforeseen bugs encountered during development. This session will assume that you have a moderate understanding of Twig and Drupal 8.
Now that Drupal 8’s theming engine is powered by Twig how can we grow our skills to meet the demand? Let's explore the extensions, design patterns and tools that Twig provides when we develop for Drupal 8. In this session you’ll learn about:
Choosing Twig over a decoupled front end for Drupal 8.
Registering custom Twig templates in themes and modules.
Using advanced filters, functions and tags in Twig templates.
Implementing and extending render arrays for performance and caching.
Advanced debugging of Twig templates and variables without running out of memory.
Understanding best practices in Twig templates and Drupal 8 theming.
Staying in the loop with the latest improvements to Twig.
You'll leave this session with an advanced understanding of Twig while also having a path to resolve unforeseen bugs encountered during development. This session will assume that you have a moderate understanding of Twig and Drupal 8.