Developing for "Somebody": How to Truly Know Your Users

Video Description

Kylie Wojciechowski

Sites and systems developed for “everybody” are actually developed for nobody. Beginning a new project without a clear sense of its intended user group will lead to an outcome that doesn’t fulfill the specific needs of that group and doesn’t work within the specific context in which that group will use the site or system.

To enhance the experience of your users during their interactions with your site or system, it’s crucial to develop for them specifically—for “somebody”. To that end, this session will detail one user research technique you can leverage to come to truly know the people who comprise your intended user group before you begin developing for them. By providing an actionable overview and demonstration of the method of contextual inquiry, we’ll explain how to easily and quickly get a better sense of your specific users and their needs, goals, tasks, workflows, frustrations, and delights.

Through learning the ins and outs of this research method, session participants will be better able to tailor their development efforts so as to provide the best experience possible for their site’s or system’s “somebody”. No prior experience or knowledge of Drupal is required.