From Feedback to Finish: How to Leverage User Focus Groups for Website Design
Video Description
Kelly Tetterton
As website designers and developers, we are often told that employing user focus groups would be a great idea, but what does that look like in the real world? Why would you use a focus group, and what could you do with the results if you did? This talk will focus on a real-world example of a why and how a user focus group was used, and how it drove specific design and development outcomes for the new Drupal 8 Chicago Park District website: . Attendees will leave with specific strategies on how to incorporate focus groups into their own projects.
As website designers and developers, we are often told that employing user focus groups would be a great idea, but what does that look like in the real world? Why would you use a focus group, and what could you do with the results if you did? This talk will focus on a real-world example of a why and how a user focus group was used, and how it drove specific design and development outcomes for the new Drupal 8 Chicago Park District website: . Attendees will leave with specific strategies on how to incorporate focus groups into their own projects.